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Yokohama Ferris Wheel

Yokohama Ferris Wheel

If you Google "Yokohama", many of the pictures you'll find will feature its famous ferris wheel, located in Cosmo World. Last night, after a long playground session, we hopped on a train for a few short stops and decided to check it out for ourselves. 

We arrived around 6:30 PM since Calvin really wanted to see the city all lit up as we went around. We didn't quite wait for it to be totally dark out, but got to catch the sunset and still see most of the lights.  It ended up being perfect weather and we got some amazing views of the Minatomirai area of Yokohama.

Everyone had a great time. If we had one complaint, it was that the 15 minute round trip goes by way too fast. We could have easily gone around a few more times. Full disclosure: If you come visit us, I'm making you do this ferris wheel just for my own personal benefit... but I think you'll enjoy it as well.

When we arrived back home, my phone alerted me that it had stitched together a panorama from all the photos I took from the top. It turned out pretty great!  Gotta say, our new city is pretty spectacular!




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