

Hello! Welcome to our family blog about living in Japan!

House Hunting!

House Hunting!

We just returned from a whirlwind week in Japan. Our goal of this trip was to find a house in Yokohama and select an international school for Miles and Calvin.

On our first full day in Yokohama, we began the house hunt by looking at an awesome property in the Honmoku area.

The first property we saw - a two-story house in the Honmoku area of Yokohama.

The downsides to this property were the cost (it was about $1000/month over budget) and it would require the kids to walk, bus, then walk some more to get to school. In total, they'd spend about 30-35 minutes each day getting to school. However, it was seconds away from a park and a block away from Dennys!

The Dennys in Honmoku.

The Dennys in Honmoku.

After this, we saw a bunch of properties that we didn't really consider. The final property we saw was an apartment in the Leyton House building in downtown Yokohama. 

Leyton House in downtown Yokohama.

Leyton House in downtown Yokohama.

The Leyton House apartment is a few minute walk to a major train station. It is close to parks, grocery stores, and most importantly: school. It's not as big as the house in Honmoku but still plenty big for our family at around 1700 square feet. In the end, the proximity to school ended up being too good to pass up and we selected the Leyton House apartment!

Trip Highlights

Trip Highlights