

Hello! Welcome to our family blog about living in Japan!

Trip Highlights

Trip Highlights

Here are some highlights from around the Yokohama and Tokyo area during our house hunting trip. We only had a single day in Tokyo and that was only for a few hours so this is just a small sample of what that city has to offer. I look forward to returning once we move. 

Dallas to Tokyo

This was us full of energy as we boarded our plane to Tokyo. Unfortunately, within minutes of taking this, we were all taken off the plane as a bird hit the engine and needed to be checked for damage. We ended up taking off four hours later! We didn't take a selfie then as we probably wouldn't have been smiling.

Yokohama - Yokohama Station 

The Yokohama station area is where we spent most of our time. We were staying at the Yokohama Sheraton which is where the view from daylight was taken. The station itself is humongous and even after numerous days of wandering around we were still finding new hallways that led to huge sections containing shops and restaurants. The picture of the inside was taken at night. During rush hour periods, this station is absolutely flooded with people!

Yokohama - Costco!

Elsa and I weren't Costco members until just before this trip. We knew Yokohama had a Costco and figured it may be one of the few places to get some food items we'd miss from back home. We took a bunch of photos in order to get a sense of prices so most of these may not interest you. Feel free to skip to the next section.

Tokyo - Ueno Park

Ueno Park is one of many parks located in Tokyo. With its size, you could easily spend an entire day here. During cherry-blossom season, I imagine we may do exactly that. For now though, we just made a quick pass through and saw some status and a cool shrine on the way.

Tokyo - Asakusa

The Asakusa area of Tokyo is home to the famous Sensoji Temple. This temple is super cool and there is a lot going on in the surrounding area. If you're looking for a souvenir from Tokyo, this is the place to come. 

Tokyo - General

This is just a couple awesome views we saw as we walked around the city. The little bit of the city we were able to see in our few hours was awesome. My first impression is: like New York City but clean and with nice people. 

Yokohama - Conveyor Belt Sushi

Elsa and my anniversary took place while we were in Japan. Due to various commitments related to house hunting and school visiting, we didn't get to celebrate on the day of. Instead, on our last night in Japan, we went to a local conveyor belt sushi restaurant. It was a bit overwhelming at first, as everything was in Japanese but we powered through and even got help from a super nice Japanese guy who helped us order our second round of drinks. 

Final Days In The US

Final Days In The US

House Hunting!

House Hunting!