

Hello! Welcome to our family blog about living in Japan!

Final Days In The US

Final Days In The US

Our last few weeks in Nashville have been a whirwind. We emptied our house, moved into a hotel, moved out of that hotel, moved in with Elsa's parents and are ready to hit the road (or air rather) to Yokohama. 

Moving out of our house was the first big step to getting ready for Japan. There were three days where movers came and packed. The first day, both the air and the sea shipment were packed. This meant that most of what we used on a daily basis was gone, but it also meant that stuff should get to Yokohama not too far after us.

On the second & third day, they took everything that wasn't going to Japan and hauled it off to storage. Miles and Calvin seemed to think our newly empty house was awesome and they realized just how great our bonus room can be for activities when there isn't any furniture up there. 

Once everything was out, Nissan put us up in a hotel for 6 nights. We ended up staying at the same hotel that Elsa and I had our wedding reception at nearly 10 years ago; the Embassy Suites in Cool Springs. The kids were troopers! They loved getting continental breakfest everyday (what part of chocolate muffins and waffles would Calvin not love?), playing soccer and tennis with a balloon in our small hotel room (until it popped on the popcorn ceiling), and having access to the golf channel...  They were all around awesome dudes with the whole ordeal.

Once our six nights ran out, we spent the last few days with Elsa's parents. It is here where the kids basically lived their ideal lives for a few days. Excessive amounts of pool time were had. Both kiddos ditched their swimmies this weekend and can now legitimately swim unassisted! Pretty big milestone for sure. When they got too hot, they would retreat to the basement and work on their Wii Golfing skills - all the while also getting fed five star meals and all the treats they desired (zucchini bread for Miles of course). Pretty sweet! We will definitely leave them a 5-star review on Trip Advisor.

Of course, all this playtime meant that saying goodbye to family was even harder. We will definitely miss everybody and I don't think the dudes really understand that they won't see everybody for a while - which honestly is probably a good thing for now. I hope Lucy doesn't spend too much time at Papa's window calling out "Cal Cal! Where are youuuu?" We are excited to FaceTime, Skype, etc. with everybody once we get settled in.

Moving Day!

Moving Day!

Trip Highlights

Trip Highlights